I’m loving this great new web site called FabKids! Sign up and takethe Style Quiz and Each Month you’ll get a full outfit styled to match your child’s personal style! The first full outfit you buy is B1G1 or Two outfits for the price of $39.95. That is like $10 per item with some REALLY CUTE STUFF!\
Right nowt hey have launched their first spring collections, “Nautical Neon” and “U R My Sunshine” – check out the adorable selections!
Each outfit comes with FREE Shipping and FREE Returns. Each month you are given a new outfit designed for you but there is NEVER an obligation to buy!
Don’t love it – cancel anytime for any reason with absolutely no strings attached. No penalties. No problem.
Go on over to FabKids and complete that Style Quiz and see what happens! This could be a great option for getting your daughter that ONE special outfit the they want to pick out for Easter or a New Spring Wardrobe!
WHAT’S TRENDING? Looking for a few engaging activities? Grab Minute to Win it Games – Traditional, Holiday, Group, and more! Use these fun activities in the office, classroom, or at your next birthday party.