Thanksgiving – November 22, 2012
Black Friday – November 23, 2012
Cyber Monday – November 26, 2012
Tips for Saving Money on Black Friday and Cyber Monday:
- Online is just as active – Avoid Lines, Get Extra Sleep, Stay in your PJs
- Online Shopping will allow you to combine coupon codes, possibly get FREE Shippoing, and have a larger stock of item. The story usually runs out before it is of stock online.
- Black Friday Begins even before Black Friday hits the calendar… The closer we get to November, we are going to start seeing great deals.
- Stores will have less on the shelves for two reasons 1.) To get the hype up. It REALLY is first come, first serve 2.) The economy
- Whatever does not sell at these prices on black Friday will sell in January as clearance prices – good time sot shop for next year!
- Think fast and furious – get there before the store opens, especially when talking about these major sales like Best Buy (known for Black Friday sales!)
- Take as many willing participants with you and divide and conquer. Use cell phones and split the list so you have a greater chance of getting the items you want.
- Organize – who are you shopping for, what have you bought so far? Stick to your list!
- Wear comfortable shoes, layers – esp if waiting outside for a store to open!
- Don’t go to bed or consider it a nap if you do. Nap Thanksgiving afternoon and Friday afternoon.
- Check your budget. Cash might not be safest giving the ciaos of the day, but konw what is in your account and stick to how much you preset you will spend.
- Skip those coffee places. Bring a canister of coffee, and don’t waste time in those long coffee lines.
If you can not make it out Friday, no worries. Friday, the weekend, and of course Cyber-Monday are just as hot online. In Fact, Cyber Monday is the the busiest shopping day for online buyers of the year.
WHAT’S TRENDING? Looking for a few engaging activities? Grab Minute to Win it Games – Traditional, Holiday, Group, and more! Use these fun activities in the office, classroom, or at your next birthday party.