Encourage good listening with Elf on the Shelf Behavior Letter. For bad behavior, print these multiple Elf on Strike signs. New creative, funny, and original Elf on the Shelf Ideas daily.
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The excitement of the Christmas season can be challenging on young children. There is the hustle and bustle of activities and often children are out of their normal routine. Bad behavior can be inevitable and we do not always set them up with a positive atmosphere for not failing.
Instead of punishing your children encourage them with an Elf on the Shelf behavior note. There are many ways to do this. A small warning first. Later, if needed, your Elf friend can always bring an Elf on the Shelf on strike sign. You also can bring forth an Elf on the Shelf behavior letter template.
Elf on the Shelf Bad Behavior Letter
If you have a Toy Story Mr. Potato head, this is an easy way for Elf on the Shelf to encourage good behavior.
Elf Supplies
- The Elf on the Shelf Doll
- Mr. Potato Head Ears
- Paper
- Pen or Marker
- Optional: Toy Story Characters
- Optional: Print clip art ears off Google
Write our child a behavior letter from Elf on the Shelf. For this letter, we saw bad behavior and wrote the following message.
It seemed like you had a hard time listening yesterday so I brought you some extra ears to help you today! Remember Santa loves good listeners. Good luck.
This is a very gentle reminder to ask your child to bring forth examples of good behavior. It is not punishing or condemning. Consider adding a positive not like “I like the way you…” to encourage good listening.
Elf on the Shelf Toy Story Ideas
In addition to this adorable Mr. Potato Head idea, we have more Toy Story Elf on the Shelf Ideas. Include all the friends in fun Scout Elf antics and include Woody, Buzz, Soldiers, and more.
Elf on the Shelf Behavior Printables
Our most popular Elf on the Shelf printables can be found in our Elf Store. This includes our Elf on Strike Signs. Six reasons for Elf to go on strike including not listening to parents.
For a child that might not be listening, you can add these Elf on Strike Signs! Shop Elf costumes, our Elf Twister board, Jokes for Kids, our Magic Shrinking Machine and so much more!
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Free Elf on the Shelf Printables
We also love sharing Elf on the Shelf free printables! This includes our free Elf on the Shelf Behavior Chart.
Get all of our free Elf on the Shelf printables by entering your email address below. Look for an email to confirm you signed up. Once you confirm, look for a second email in your inbox with a link and password!
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3.) We will send you a Free Printables Welcome Email with link and passcode to all of our free printables.
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5. Enjoy your Elf on the Shelf Printables.
What is Elf on the Shelf?
Elf on the Shelf is a Christmas Tradition. The tradition has a book and a elf doll. The book is poetic and in rhyme sharing the purpose of the Elf’s visits. The Elf visits each Thanksgiving. He/She goes and returns from the North Pole each evening. Every morning he can be found in a new location in the house. The Elf has been found in the refrigerator, fishing in the toilet, writing messages on the mirror or hanging from the lights. It is VERY IMPORTANT, the Elf is not touch each evening or his Christmas magic will be lost! Each family is able to name their special elf. The elves return to their home (Santa’s North Pole Work shop) every Christmas Eve. An Elf’s Story can also be found on DVD
Don’t forget all of our daily Elf on the Shelf Ideas. Pin to Pinterest on your Christmas and Elf Boards.
We have been doing Elf on the Shelf forever. See our Elf on the Shelf Master List. Pin to Pinterest.
WHAT’S TRENDING? Looking for a few engaging activities? Grab Minute to Win it Games – Traditional, Holiday, Group, and more! Use these fun activities in the office, classroom, or at your next birthday party.
Last Updated on November 16, 2021 by Ashley at Frugal Coupon Living