The days of an adorable, mischievous Elf wreaking havoc are officially upon us. Recreate these fun and easy Elf on the Shelf pranks. These mischievous Elf on the Shelf ideas are not only kid approved, they are Pinterest approved too! New creative, funny, and original Elf on the Shelf Ideas daily.
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Coming up with new Elf on the Shelf prank ideas looks different for every family. Just like families, elves differ. They can have different personalities, they can come in sets of one or more, they can even look differently. Elf differences are especially true when it comes to an Elf’s personality. An Elf on the Shelf can be naughty or nice (or a little bit of both!)
Is the Elf on the Shelf Naughty or Nice?
Let’s be real. The Elf on the Shelf promotes nice behavior from your son or daughter but sometimes the Elf on the Shelf’s antics can be quite naughty. From an Elf mess to an Elf wrapped in toilet paper, it’s sometimes frustrating trying to explain why the Elf on the Shelf is naughty.
If your family finds themselves with a naughty Elf on the Shelf, you can explain Elf mischief by comparing the Elf to Amelia Bedelia. As a millennial parent born in the 80s, I found this explanation easy when describing the beloved character I grew up with. Explain that the Elf on the Shelf means well but sometimes they find themselves in silly situations that did not go as planned. For example, your Elf might have had the intention of making your child a cup of hot cocoa but instead filled the bath tub with hot chocolate and mini marshmallows instead. Another example of a naughty elf with good intentions might be told that beauty sleep means applying make-up. In this case, in the night they might apply make-up to a family members face.
24 Easy Elf Pranks
Ready to bring a little silly and fun to your Elf’s antics? Allow your child to remain on the nice list but let the Elfie bring a little bit of the fun. Take a look at this full list of 24 Elf on the Shelf Pranks for your naughty (and someone nice) Elf.
Elf Googly Eyes
Grab the Googly Eyes and Red Pom Poms for noses, Elf decorates the family photos in this silly Elf prank.
Elf Duct Tape Toilet Paper
The end is near. How fun is this Elf on the Shelf prankster who left a little Duct Tape in place of the toilet paper roll.
Elf on the Shelf Chicken Bones
Take a deep breath. Elf on the Shelf Chicken Bones. I would add to this idea a t-Rex holding a fork and knife. You can have elf return the next day with T-Rex tied up.
Elf Saran Wrap
Looks like no one is using the toilet today. Elf on the Shelf saran wraps the toilet. Looks like he got stuck too.
Elf Utensil Drawer Candy
Instead of using forks and spoons today, you will be eating candy with your hands. The utensils have been removed and candy has been replace in this funny Elf on the Shelf prank idea.
Elf Poop Peppermints
Did you know Elf’s poop peppermints? In this Elf on the Shelf bathroom idea, This Elf poop prank doesn’t stink.
Elf Wrapping Paper Living Room
This Elf idea will be a bit of a challenge. Gather all your wrapping paper and decorate the living room with this Elf on the Shelf Gift Wrapped Living Room idea.
Elf Writes Sentences
“I will not hide too hard again…” Careful with those Elf hiding places. If your elf was in too challenging of a spot, make sure he is writing sentences on the chalk board the next day.
Elf Sawed Magic Trick
We hope this silly elf prank doesn’t make the kids cry. Elf is sawed in half. You will need multiple elves on this fun idea.
Elf Levitating Cereal
This idea is next level. Learn how to do this DIY Elf on the Shelf Cereal trick. You children will be talking about it for the rest of their lives.
Elf Breakfast
If anyone is going to make you breakfast, you want it to be an Elf. This Elf on the Shelf breakfast idea is sure a sweet treat.
Elf Mr. Potato Head Fries
This Elf on the Shelf and Mr Potato Head idea sure is naughty. Poor Mr Potato head is loosing all of his insides as they drop like French fries.
Elf Underpants
“I see London, I see France, I’m flying in your underpants…” Tie your little red buddy to the fan with a fun elf note for our child in this silly prank idea.
Elf Chocolate Idea
Scout Elf got into the chocolate. So easy to set up this Elf on the Shelf chocolate prank idea.
Elf Energy Drink
Googly eyes are a fun way to pull of this Red Bull Elf on the Shelf prank. Looks like these elves drank too much energy drink.
Elf Streamers in the Hall
In this last minute Elf on the Shelf idea, grab tape and some crepe streamers. The kids will have so much fun waking up to Elf Streamers in the Hall.
Elf Cuts Hair
This bad elf is up to no good. Elf gave Barbie a hair cut. I’ve seen this done on humans so it’s a litter “nicer” wen done on a doll – as long as it’s not your child’s favorite.
Elf Tied to the Train Track
Oh no! Elf has been tied to the train tracks. In this Elf on the Shelf train track idea, tie up elf, cover his mouth with tape and lay him on the tracks. You can even have a villain standing beside him.
Elf Snowflake Toilet Paper
Learn how to make snow flakes using toilet paper. Hint – the snowflake isn’t toilet paper. In this fun Elf on the Shelf toilet paper prank, you might have to squat on another potty. This seat’s taken by the little guy!
Elf Red Solo Cup
Ready for a very easy Elf prank idea? Lay a bunch of red SOLO cups on the ground and place Elf on the Shelf below a cup. You can slightly elevate the plastic cup or keep him hidden below.
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Elf Bananas Minions
Bananas are a perfect idea for creating easy Banana Minions. Just have your little Elf grab a sharpie, draw Stuart, Carl, Dave and their friends.
Elf Tooth Fairy
In this cute idea, the tooth fairy caught Elf on the Shelf. Such an easy idea. Simply print the Elf on the Shelf letter and wrap your elf/elves with dental floss.
Elf Under Pants Joke
How fun is this easy and simple idea. Hang underwear on the door and insert an Elf doll.
Elf Draws on Face
In this naughty elf idea, Elf used a marker to draw on a family member’s face during sleep.
More Elf on a Shelf Pranks
Since you love being silly and playful, you will also love these
Need more? Let us supply you with more good Elf on the Shelf pranks that might be more specific to your needs, settings and desired adventures.
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All of these last minute Elf on the Shelf ideas can be created in just a few seconds to a few minutes time. We see you super star! Go get ’em and have an amazing Elf season full of creative ideas.
Elf on the Shelf Printables
Our most popular Elf on the Shelf printables can be found in our Elf Store. Shop Elf costumes, our Elf Twister board, Jokes for Kids, our Magic Shrinking Machine and so much more!
Free Elf Printables
We also love sharing Elf on the Shelf free printables! Get all of our free Elf on the Shelf printables by entering your email address below. Look for an email to confirm you signed up. Once you confirm, look for a second email in your inbox with a link and password!
Free Printables Step by Step Directions
1.) Enter your email address here.
2.) Look for a confirmation email in your inbox and confirm you requested a sign up.
3.) We will send you a Free Printables Welcome Email with link and passcode to all of our free printables.
4.) Enter your passcode at the top of the page here and click “Access Printables”
5. Enjoy your Elf Printables.
Elf on the Shelf Resources
At Frugal Coupon Living, our goal, to create an easy Elf on the Shelf season for you. This is not our first year of having an Elf in the home. With over eight years of Elf ideas, we have created a rather large Elf on the Shelf fan club full of new Elf on the Shelf ideas. These Elf on the Shelf resources are all you need to create the best Elf ideas.
What is Elf on the Shelf?
Elf on the Shelf is a Christmas Tradition. The tradition has a book and a elf doll. The book is poetic and in rhyme sharing the purpose of the Elf’s visits. The Elf visits each Thanksgiving. He or she goes and returns from the North Pole each evening. Every morning he can be found in a new location in the house. The Elf has been found in the refrigerator, fishing in the toilet, writing messages on the mirror or hanging from the lights. It is VERY IMPORTANT, the Elf is not touch each evening or his Christmas magic will be lost! Each family is able to name their special elf. The elves return to their home (Santa’s North Pole Work shop) every Christmas Eve. An Elf’s Story can also be found on DVD
More Helpful Elf on the Shelf Links
Some call Frugal Coupon Living the biggest resource for all things Elf on the Shelf. While we don’t want to brag, we will. We have move our red little North Pole friend for year after year. We have created plenty of free printables, must have resources, inspirational Elf links and more. Use us at a platform to keep your sanity through the entire Christmas season.
Use the helpful Elf on the Shelf links to come up with create ideas, grab free printables, and answer Elf on the Shelf Questions.
- Elf on the Shelf Ideas – a Starter guide to all things elf including some of our top post ideas and Elf on the Shelf digital downloads.
- Largest List of Elf on the Shelf Ideas – Now over 600 Elf on the Shelf ideas. New ideas added daily during November and December.
- Elf on the Shelf Questions and Answers – Are you just beginning with an Elf? Could you use a refresher of all the Elf rules. Take a look at frequently asked elf on the shelf questions to get started. You will immediately be an Elf expert.
- Free Elf on the Shelf Printables – Sign up for our emails and grab these free Elf digital downloads to help you during the Elf season. Includes an Elf calendar, notes, Elf coloring pages, encouraging ideas and more.
- DIY Bendable Elf on the Shelf – Want your Elf to do all sorts of positions. This is an easy no-sew bendable Elf on the Shelf tutorial.
- Elf Shop with Digital Downloads – This is one of the best Elf shops full of printable resources to perfect the holiday season.
- Elf on the Shelf Emails with New Ideas Daily – Each day we will write you with a new Elf on the Shelf idea as well as links to Elf on the shelf resources and sometimes hidden coupon codes and freebies!
Take a look at the Elf on the Shelf Pinterest Board. Tell us what you are doing with your Elf on the Shelf this season. Is there an Elf idea we haven’t tried? Do you have any Elf on the Shelf questions. Leave a comment here or on Pinterest.
WHAT’S TRENDING? Looking for a few engaging activities? Grab Minute to Win it Games – Traditional, Holiday, Group, and more! Use these fun activities in the office, classroom, or at your next birthday party.
Last Updated on November 8, 2022 by Ashley at Frugal Coupon Living