The Christmas season can bring the good and the bad. These printable Elf on the Shelf report cards will use your family elf as encourager to your child’s heart. More Elf behavior notes include Elf on Strike signs, Elf Prescription printables, Elf Naughty or Nice Notes, Elf behavior chart and more. New creative, funny, and original Elf on the Shelf Ideas daily.
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The purpose of an Elf on the Shelf is to spread joy, bring cheer, and remind boys girls to be nice. However, children are human and sometimes bad behavior occurs. It’s important to have an Elf resource that can pat your child on the back for the good and remind your child to try harder during the bad.
Let’s take a look at the point of the Elf on the Shelf, how to encourage good behavior and ideas for what to do when your child has bad behavior.
What’s the point of Elf on the Shelf?
Elf on the Shelf is a Christmas tradition. Elf on Shelf is a children’s book written by Carol Aebersold and her daughter Chanda Bell. The Elf on the Shelf book is poetic and in rhyme sharing the purpose of the Elf’s visits. Elves from the North Pole visit families to encourage good behavior and report back to Santa. Santa uses this messages to help create his naughty and nice list before Christmas day.
According to Businesswire, the Elf on the Shelf’s company mission statement reads
Ultimately, CCA and B is faithful to their mission of “tapping into the magic of believing and love of tradition at Christmastime by creating Christmas characters, stories and lore through consumer products, immersive experiences and entertainment-based content.”
In the spirit of the Elf tradition, The goal is to encourage good behavior. This positive Christmas character’s purpose is not to bring shame or anxiety to young children but rather to remind them that this season is about good deeds and acts of kindness toward others. Read more about Elf on the Shelf Meaning Explained.
Does Elf really encourage kids good behavior?
Yes, use Elf help as a fun way to encourage boys and girls to be nice. The holiday season can be overwhelming for many younger children. There are parties, activities and many additional distractions. Elf brings a good visual that visits in a fun and friendly way. Through friendly Elf ideas and behavior notes, Elf can remind your child to work on their best behavior.
It’s important to have good Elf on the Shelf ideas when bad behavior is present. This is not to shame your children or to make them feel badly. Rather your Christmas Elf can be used to encourage your child to continue good work or stop bad work.
What are some Elf on the Shelf Bad Behavior Ideas?
Since your Elf is reporting back to Santa, elf can watch for good behavior during the holiday season. From December 1st until Christmas Day, the Elf will (of course) arrive with fun antics. Also during that time, the Elf will be ready to report to Santa good and bad behavior in their host family.
Your child is imperfect. You didn’t need to read this sentence to know that. Using the Elf as a threat for punishment (e.g., no presents) may be fear-inducing and contrary to the goal of using the Elf to bring joy. Because of this, it’s important to have a list of encouraging Elf on the Shelf ideas for bad behavior.
- Elf brings a Strike Sign
- Have has a prescription to sit out
- Elf delivers a behavior note from Santa
- Elf write a letter about behavior
- Elf uses a behavior chart to encourage good behavior
- Elf uses a report card to encourage your child
Elf on the Shelf on Strike
One silly Elf idea for bad behavior is picketing with printable Elf on Strike Signs. This still keeps your Elf in the home but rather he/she can sit in one spot on strike until your child does as they say. Hopefully these Elf on Strike ideas are less manipulative and more intrinsically encouraging.
- Elf on Strike: No Talking Back
- Elf on Strike: Clean Your Room
- Elf on Strike: Get Along with Siblings
- Elf on Strike: Listen to Your Parents
- Elf on Strike: Be Good At School
For these Elf strike signs, you decide how long Elf is picketing.
Elf on the Shelf Prescription Notes
The North Pole doctors are always paying close attention to their elves. This includes the results of poor health due to bad behavior. In this bad behavior idea, the elf will be delivered with an Elf on the Shelf prescription for sitting out. These Elf on the Shelf notes from the doctor include prescriptions for a messy room or for touching the Elf.
- Magic Lost: No moving for one day. Do not touch the Elf!
- Broken Leg: No moving for two days. Elf tripped on your stuff. Clean up!
Elf on the Shelf Behavior Note
Keep it simple with an official behavior note form Elf on a Shelf. Check naughty or nice and write your own message of what the Elf saw. These are easy, direct and straight to the point.
In this example, Elf checked naughty and whitnessed the child “not sharing your toys.”
Elf on the Shelf Behavior Letter
The best thing about a printable Elf on the Shelf bad behavior letter is you can personalize the message. Use our Elf letter templates and write you own message. This allows you to address your child’s bad behavior (or good behavior) and encourage them to do their best.
In this bad behavior letter example, you can leave the Scout Elf out of the equation. Have Elf on the Shelf not arrive for the night. The next morning they would leave an envelope with a letter from Santa (or the head Elf) behind.
For an Elf on the Shelf Good behavior letter, write a message that offers encouragement or intrinsic motivation. Write your child’s name and then say something to the effect of “I see you doing _____, keep up the good work!” Sign with your elf’s name. You could even leave behind a small present, prize or piece of candy.
Elf on the Shelf Behavior Chart
If it will take some time to work on poor behavior, incorporate this free printable Elf on the Shelf behavior chart. Use this candy cane cheer-o-meter to track daily behavior all the way from extra nice to naughty.
- Extra Nice: Santa knows you’ve been kind. He will bring you everything on your mind.
- Nice: You’ve been good this year, Santa’s sure to bring Christmas cheer.
- Danger Zone: He’s making a list and checking it twice, he knows if you’ve been naughty or nice.
- Naughty: Start on a good roll or you’ll get coal.
This behavior chart can be hung in a common space like the kitchen or paly room. you can also keep it in each child’s bedroom for personal accountability.
Elf on the Shelf Report Card
Does your child have real anxiety? Use these printable report cards to encourage kids’ behavior in a fun lighthearted way! This set of report cards includes both good, bad and silly behavior traits. That means this can easily be a funny Elf on the Shelf idea too.
- The Elf on the Shelf Doll
- Printer paper or card stock
- Printer
- Elf on the Shelf Report Card Digital Download (see below)
These report cards can be printed form your home computer. Use computer paper or white cardstock.
How to Use the Elf on the Shelf Report Card
It’s really easy to create the report card Elf on the Shelf idea. Simply download the reports cards which come in a few behavior report ideas…
- Good Report
- Bad Report
- Silly Report
Once you download the behavior reports, print them from your computer (or visit Staples Copy Center.) Cut out the four reports and choose which is most fitting for your child.
Would you like to save this?
Complete the report card with the child’s name, the date, and checks for the appropriate report. You can even add a small note. You can even make a report card for each child.
Stage the Elf to hold the report card for your child to view in the morning.
Viola! The message is clear.
Can I use the report cards for good behavior?
Yes (yes and yes!) These printable Elf on the Shelf reports also have ideas for good behavior. These Elf on the Shelf behavior letters are perfect for good kids too! In fact, we can recognize the good in everyone! While it’s important as parents (and members of the Elf moving committee) to correct bad behavior, it’s also very important for us to recognize and share reflections of good behavior. Use this printable report card to recognize things like being “amazing in school” or “looking swaggah” (may favorite!)
Printable Elf on the Shelf Report Cards
These four Elf report cards come with a list of different silly, good and bad reports. There is room to write the child’s name and the date. There is also room to fill in and other row with encouragement or a behavior that you are unable to check.
Example report card for good behaviors include…
- helpful around the house
- sharing with others
- amazing at school
- a good eater
- sharing
Example report card for bad behaviors include…
- crying or whining
- naughty
- very messy
- not listening to adults
- too silly
Example report card for silly behaviors include…
- driving too fast
- a little stinker
- looking swaggah
- slightly stinky
- needing more tinsel
In this set of four printable progress reports, there is a blank report card so you can fill in your own report card checklist.
These printable cards cannot be edited. They are non-editable digital downloads but there is room to grab a marker, pen, or pencil and write your own message from the little elves.
Our most popular Elf on the Shelf printables can be found in our Elf Store. Shop Elf costumes, our Elf Twister board, Jokes for Kids, our Magic Shrinking Machine and so much more!
Free Elf on the Shelf Printables
We also love sharing Elf on the Shelf free printables! Get all of our free Elf on the Shelf printables by entering your email address below. Look for an email to confirm you signed up. Once you confirm, look for a second email in your inbox with a link and password to access any free elf printable you would like!
Free Printables Step by Step Directions
1.) Enter your email address here.
2.) Look for a confirmation email in your inbox and confirm you requested a sign up.
3.) We will send you a Free Printables Welcome Email with link and passcode to all of our free printables.
4.) Enter your passcode at the top of the page here and click “Access Printables”
5. Enjoy your Elf Printables.
Disclosure: By downloading digital downloads you are accepting the copyright terms and permissions that this is for personal, non-commercial use. Please contact Frugal Coupon Living with any questions. If you don’t have a printer, use Staples Online printing.
I am happy to share printables. When sharing with others, please lead them to my website instead of emailing them the file(s). Thanks for visiting and thanks for sharing with others!
Elf on the Shelf Resources
At Frugal Coupon Living, our goal, to create an easy Elf on the Shelf season for you. This is not our first year of having an Elf in the home. With over eight years of Elf ideas, we have created a rather large Elf on the Shelf fan club full of new Elf on the Shelf ideas. These Elf on the Shelf resources are all you need to create the best Elf ideas.
What is Elf on the Shelf?
Elf on the Shelf is a Christmas Tradition. The tradition has a book and a elf doll. The book is poetic and in rhyme sharing the purpose of the Elf’s visits. The Elf visits each Thanksgiving. He/She goes and returns from the North Pole each evening. Every morning he can be found in a new location in the house. The Elf has been found in the refrigerator, fishing in the toilet, writing messages on the mirror or hanging from the lights. It is VERY IMPORTANT, the Elf is not touch each evening or his Christmas magic will be lost! Each family is able to name their special elf. The elves return to their home (Santa’s North Pole Work shop) every Christmas Eve. An Elf’s Story can also be found on DVD
More Helpful Elf on the Shelf Links
Some call Frugal Coupon Living the biggest resource for all things Elf on the Shelf. While we don’t want to brag, we will. We have move our red little North Pole friend for year after year. We have created plenty of free printables, must have resources, inspirational Elf links and more. Use us at a platform to keep your sanity through the entire Christmas season.
Use the helpful Elf on the Shelf links to come up with create ideas, grab free printables, and answer Elf on the Shelf Questions.
- Elf on the Shelf Ideas – a Starter guide to all things elf including some of our top post ideas and Elf on the Shelf digital downloads.
- Largest List of Elf on the Shelf Ideas – Now over 600 Elf on the Shelf ideas. New ideas added daily during November and December.
- Elf on the Shelf Questions and Answers – Are you just beginning with an Elf? Could you use a refresher of all the Elf rules. Take a look at frequently asked elf on the shelf questions to get started. You will immediately be an Elf expert.
- Free Elf on the Shelf Printables – Sign up for our emails and grab these free Elf digital downloads to help you during the Elf season. Includes an Elf calendar, notes, Elf coloring pages, encouraging ideas and more.
- DIY Bendable Elf on the Shelf – Want your Elf to do all sorts of positions. This is an easy no-sew bendable Elf on the Shelf tutorial.
- Elf Shop with Digital Downloads – This is one of the best Elf shops full of printable resources to perfect the holiday season.
- Elf on the Shelf Emails with New Ideas Daily – Each day we will write you with a new Elf on the Shelf idea as well as links to Elf on the shelf resources and sometimes hidden coupon codes and freebies!
Take a look at the Elf on the Shelf Pinterest Board. Tell us what you are doing with your Elf on the Shelf this season. Is there an Elf idea we haven’t tried? Do you have any Elf on the Shelf questions. Leave a comment here or on Pinterest.
WHAT’S TRENDING? Looking for a few engaging activities? Grab Minute to Win it Games – Traditional, Holiday, Group, and more! Use these fun activities in the office, classroom, or at your next birthday party.
Last Updated on November 5, 2022 by Ashley at Frugal Coupon Living