Printable Fleece Navidad Gift Tag – pair with an adorable fleece blanket. This makes an adorable Christmas teacher gift idea. We have also gifted to our neighbors, Sunday school teachers, and more!
Printable Fleece Navidad Gift Tag
I have to laugh a little at this post friends. I am home on bed rest (expecting twins soon) and I have so many projects I want to get up on the blog for you to enjoy. This project has been one of them. My bed rest has limited my creativity on the blog in terms of food crafts and Christmas crafts. First, it has taken me about two weeks to get this post done (normally it is a few hours.) I had the Fleece Navidad Gift Tags sitting at the copy center for a few weeks before I could convince someone in my family to go get them. I had to special order ribbon and wait, no only that that arrive, but someone to get the box from downstairs upstairs to me.
When prepping this post, the mess that was around me was amazing. I was laughing at my creativity in hiding the clutter. The basket I used for my “staging” is used to hold cat toys/food. The white background are my bed sheets and I quickly sat on the floor to get a few additional shots. It just shows the power of photography and some photo shop skills!
Moving along, you too can create this Fleece Navidad Gift. I picked up a Kohl’s Fleece Throw Blanket for $5 from $30. The fleece blankets were mailed to my house so I did not have to go to the store to pick them up. This low price does come every holiday season, normally around Black Friday. However, fleece throws can easily be found for “cheap.”
The Kohl’s blankets are by far my favorite of all the ones I have purchased! They are incredibly soft, huge and come at a really affordable price.
I sent the gift tags to a Staples Copy Center and my mother in law picked them up so I could finish off these cute gifts. We have four blankets all set for our school teachers and Sunday school leaders!
You can print off your Printable Fleece Navidad Gift Tag. The PDF have two different sizes. One that is about 7 inches (two tags on a page) and one page that is about 4 inches (four tags on a page.) Use whichever you prefer. For me to print two pages off at Staples was about $2. My images have the smaller gift tags though the longer tags would be just as cute!
“Fleece” Navidad. We want to wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of our hearts.
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Gift Idea! Consider jazzing up your gift a bit! Pair this creative blanket idea with popcorn, a box of hot chocolate, marshmallows and perhaps a Redbox gift card! We have adorable Redbox Gift Card printables! We made them for a “pop-ular” teacher but you can get creative with the gift. You buy the gift code, we supply the cute note!
Don’t forget you can take this idea to the next level with a no sew fleece blanket tutorial. We have made multiple of these and they really are easy. One idea we did was purchasing a discounted Photo Fleece Blanket. We then tied it off as an adorable gift for grandparents!
Teacher Appreciation Gift Tags
Before you go on, take a look at this! Solve an entire year of gifts with this Teacher Appreciation Gift Tags set. Included in this set are 12 months of gift tags. Each gift tag can be paired with a small low-cost gift just to show an appreciation of thanks.
This Fleece Navidad Gift Tag is included in this set. From fleece blankets to chocolate bars, these Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas can be used the entire school year!
Enjoy these Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Neighbors, Co-Workers, Teachers and Friends. Pin to Pinterest.
Take a look at these 31 FREE Christmas Printables. Pin to Pinterest.
We also love these DIY Christmas Gift Ideas. Pin to Pinterest. See Part 2 of DIY Christmas Gift Ideas. Pin to Pinterest.
WHAT’S TRENDING? Looking for a few engaging activities? Grab Minute to Win it Games – Traditional, Holiday, Group, and more! Use these fun activities in the office, classroom, or at your next birthday party.
Last Updated on February 8, 2021 by Ashley at Frugal Coupon Living