For a limited time, save up to 35% off KRIDDO Kids Tricycles, plus, some options have coupons for even more savings!
KRIDDO kids tricycles are designed for toddlers who are curious and exited to explore the world. They help to develop kids’ steering and coordination at an early age, letting your kids enjoy riding and gain confidence, as well as develop muscle strength. These trikes feature a extended rear wheels and wide wheelbases to help prevent tipping or rolling over when kids are learning to ride. The ergonomic design boasts a comfier seat for small bottoms. The smooth edges and non-slip handle grips provide better support during early learning active play. KRIDDO kids tricycles are built with a solid structure, which makes outdoor riding safe. The shock absorption silent wheels allow your kids to ride around silently inside the house and do no damage to your floors.
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This sale price was accurate as of 09/20/2023 11:10 AM ET. Amazon prices are subject to change.
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